5 Ways to Ensure Tenants Change Their HVAC Filters

HVAC is an acronym that all landlords should become familiar with. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC). The HVAC system is that will keep a rental unit cool in the summer and warm in the winter. That means that the HVAC unit has quite a huge responsibility in making your rental unit […]

10 Tips for a Great Open House

Holding a successful open house is key when it comes to helping sell properties quickly and when real estate agents have to turn over properties for their clients. Open housesare when potential buyers see the home and determine if that specific property will meet the needs of their family (and their budget). Putting your best foot forward […]

6 Tips for Determining Your Rental Renovation Budget

When it comes to renovating a rental property, it’s easy to splash out all kinds of excess money on the property without being sure that you will get the money back when you go to the rent the unit out. This is why it’s important to have a renovation budget for the rental unit(s) that you are […]

5 Renovations to Make Your Rental Homes More Durable

When you are renovating your residential rental properties your first goal should be to make the residence more durable so that it lasts for the duration of more than one or two tenants’ stays. Investing in good, quality construction materials and making smart renovations can help you both reap the most return on your investments […]

What to Charge? Deciding Monthly Rental Rates

You’ve just purchased a rental property, but before you can start recruiting tenants, you’ll need to decide how much to charge for rent. Setting a reasonable rental price is extremely important; charge too much and you won’t get any rental applications. Charge too little and you’ll fail to make a profit. By taking a few […]

6 Renovations That Make Your Rental Family-Friendly

When you are renovating your residential rental houses to rent out to tenants, you want to ensure that you are doing everything you can to ensure that everyone is as comfortable as possible. This can also be challenging given that each family will look for something different that fits their specific family’s needs. Moreover, as […]

5 Ways to Get Past the Third House Slump

The “third house slump” might sound silly to many people yet many investors know that many banks and other traditional lending agencies begin to balk when the talk of purchasing any residential investment properties past the 3rd house. There are a number of reasons that banks and other lending agencies feel this way, however, as […]

5 Ways to Limit Your Liability As an Investor:

When you are the investor who is putting money up to purchase residential rental properties that people are staying in, you are putting yourself on the line in terms of liability. However, the good news is that there are measures that you can take to ensure that you are protecting yourself from liabilities and limit […]

3 Levels/Tiers of Property Management: What Level of Property Management Fits Your Investment Style?

Every landlord needs something different from their property management company depending on a variety of factors. These factors include things such as how many residential rental properties they own to their management and investing style. Having said that, property management companies need to be different things to each investor that they work with. Some investors […]


If you are a property owner who rents out their property, there are many good reasons to consider using a property management company to handle the business of renting for you. Here are two ways these companies ensure properties do not sit vacant for long periods of time. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANIES FIND LONG-TERM, RELIABLE TENANTS […]